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Super cool, congratulations!
it is possible to get softlocked behind a door, like stuck on the wrong side of it. Not sure how exactly I managed this... except, I got kicked back to the previous room, and just spammed the door quickly, which wedged me behind it lol. Such a slick and awesome effect. Not in love with the ghosties

Good game. But i don't like horror... (my bad)

7th PLACEEEEEE!!!!!!  HOLY MOLY I finally beat your game!!!!! I loved every part of it!!!! lol  great job man!

There is so much great stuff about this game.  The fact that you ensured the player added their name was small yet brilliant.  The subtle hint to add your name.. perfect.  Also how you teach the player how to play the game without actually telling them is also brilliant and easy to follow.  The music changing with the bad guys showing up... all of it. This is one of the top tier games of the Jam so far.  

I want to say congrats and i totally knew this was the top game!!!!!!!!! Great great job my man